Rotational molding, often known as rotomolding, is usually described as a plastic process suited for forming large hollow parts. This description was accurate 20 or 30 years ago but does not fully describe the process today. Rotationally molded products are a good fit for a wide range of industries. The most common are toy and juvenile products; industrial, military, agricultural, and chemical tanks; recreational and sporting goods; and material-handling parts such as totes, pallets, and bins.
Rotomolding is known for providing design flexibility, low-cost tooling, and stress-free parts. Call us today to quote production of your product at 1.800.355.4093.

SuperDeck Floating Dock Systems is "The Original" rotationally molded floating dock system.
Aggressive Industries was the first to created a product like SuperDeck and it remains a leader in the industry. SuperDeck panels are also used world wide to construct Nature Trails and Beach Boardwalks and will to fit any topography.
SuperDecks patented environmentally friendly "Flow Through” float design allows:
* Light to pass through to aquatic vegetation.
* Water, debris, plant and wildlife to pass under the dock.
* Safe zones for swimmers unlike other floating docks
* Three deck and float widths (24”, 42” & 60”)
* Easy installation requiring no special tools
For more information about SuperDeck you can visit our website at: